Stagione 1 (1996-1997)
21 Episodi

Alla ricerca della verità

Una morte misteriosa

Collaudo mortale

Il curioso Jarod

L'orologio di carta

A un passo dalla verità

Un virus tra noi

Nemmeno un cane


The Better Part Of Valor

Potato Head Blues

Prison Story

Bazooka Jarod

Ranger Jarod


Under The Reds


Unhappy Landings

Jarod's Honor

Baby Love

The Dragon House


Alla ricerca della verità

Titolo originale: Pilot

Trasmissione USA: 19/09/1996

Trasmissione RaiDUE: 14/01/2000

Lavoro: C

Oggetto: G

Cognome: (s

Data simulazione: (N



As the Executive Board is aware, former Centre resident Jarod remains at large and must be retrieved at all costs. Because of his special ability as a Pretender (refer to Psychogenic Department briefing), Jarod is able to insinuate himself into any walk of life. He is able to simulate any experience or identity, and while this skill has been a valuable asset to the Centre, it now serves as a formidable barrier to his capture. Miss Parker has been brought back from Corporate to lead the field investigation to recover Jarod and the stolen Digital Simulation Archives (DSA). Her discovery in Jarod's room of an origami figure of Onysius, the Greek god of retribution, has led to the belief that he sees himself as an avenging angel defending the weak and abused. According to Miss Parker, Jarod has been consistently leaving breadcrumb clues to his whereabouts, and his capture seems imminent. Technicians on Sub Level 5 detected an ATM hit in Jarod's Anchorage bank account (see Tracking Update JP-A0). Initial information indicated he was in Santa Fe, New Mexico, but results were skewed by Jarod's scrambling of EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) system. Jarod contacted Sydney by phone, but trace was unsuccessful. Call transcript revealed that Jarod is now aware of the Centre's application of his simulation experiments. Regretfully, Jarod also stole 5 million dollars from a Centre client by manipulating the New York Stock Exchange. Miss Parker, Sydney and two sweepers were dispatched to New York to investigate. Jarod tried unsuccessfully to hack into the Centre main frame, and a tag placed on Jarod's file by Miss Parker indicated he was at Queen of Angels hospital. Jarod narrowly escaped capture by sweeper team, though he did leave instructions for the retrieval of most of the stolen money minus his "commission" of some $500,000.

Another of Jarod's red notebooks was recovered by the cleanup team. The notebook had several small stains on a number of pages. Lab analysis revealed it was a dried, air-whipped dairy product, possibly melted ice cream. Inside was a picture of a twelve year old boy named Kevin Bailey with several newspaper clippings. Headlines read: "Queen of Angels Malpractice Suit Dismissed" "Lawyers Cry Injustice" "Boy Loses Parents." Reconstruction of evidence revealed Jarod took the identity of a doctor in a New York hospital. There he learned the truth about a paralyzed boy whose spinal cord was severed during an operation. Jarod used his skills to infiltrate the hospital, and discovered that the boy was paralyzed by surgical errors from an alcoholic surgeon, Dr. Alan Trader. The hospital executives, including Dr. Miles Hendricks, were involved in covering up the malpractice. Jarod exposed the hospital's practice and the offending doctor. Bailey malpractice settlement was reportedly in millions



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